I am starting to make adjustments to hopefully improve this situation. It's definitely not easy, nor is it fun, but who said life was easy in the first place?!
I am also happy to report that I have not seen anymore rabbits in our yard. I think the cat and I are back on speaking terms.
I also haven't had to clean up after anymore craptastic episodes. I think that may have been a mom fail on my part, but hopefully we all learned from that situation.
If you're here from Friday Follow, you must be thinking that this blog is nothing but a place for me to vent. I promise I'm not negative all the time. Pinky swear! This blog is just my place to get it all out - good and bad. Sometimes I need an escape from the mom role and those things I can't put on my family blog. I'm not always comfortable posting certain things over there. For example, I'm sure my Grandma wouldn't appreciate those F-bombs I drop when I get pissed. Other times my intended post is a subject that certain
If you drop in, let me know so I can stop over. Now if you'll excuse my I think I need to do some laundry. There's little people in this house that are trying to convert it to a nudist colony. I must get clean clothes to prevent that.

Happy Friday friend ;)
I dont really know how friday follow works, but here I am! :)
I'm with Andrea, not sure about Friday Follow, but your blog sounds interesting so I stopped by.
I love your blog, and don't mind your realistic and very honest take on life!
Lucy's Human
Thanks for visiting me in support of TMC! I love the syle of your blog! I'm sorry it's been a rough week, those are the worst, boo! I'm looking forward to reading more, I love your conversational writing style!
Oh man, girl, I totally feel for you on the situation with your son. My 5-yr old son is just like that...he wonders why his brothers and sister don't ever want to play with him and it's because he's downright mean and rude to them. Everytime I turn around him he's hitting them or getting in their faces. It's all I can do to not shake the crap out of him somtimes.
But then he can be so sweet and helpful...like 10% of the time. The other 90% of the time he spends making wish I could get away with drinking wine 24/7.
Hang in there...this too shall pass. I hope.
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