Who of all your blog friends would you like to meet and/or who have you met?
Oh, wow! Where to start?
I met Supah last year and she's awesome! We're trying to get together again, but it's not easy when you have kids! There are so many others I would love to meet! I think the best way to answer this is by saying if your button is scrolling on the side of my blog, then you're on the list of those I want to meet!
What kind of vehicle(s) do you drive?
Red Chevy Cobalt. I love this car! Now if only it would clean itself. And I don't mean the outside, I mean the inside. I swear the kids (husband included) trash the inside faster than they do the house!
What kind of cell phone do you have?
HTC Evo and I am in love with it! If I believed in polygamy, it could very well be my second husband!
For the longest time I said I had no real need for a smart phone - all I do is talk and text. Apparently I was wrong. I never realized my need to play sudoku whenever I want. Or the balloon game!
What's the most annoying thing you wish bloggers would stop doing?
Just like the list of bloggers I would love to meet, this list is not short. No-reply is a biggie. And it really pisses me off when I type out this huge response to your comment only to realize that I can't send it anywhere!
Another one is music. We all have music we love and think others should love it, too, but that's why there are radios, iPods, etc! And to take it one step further, if I cant find where your little music widget is to turn off your music, I'll leave your blog. Sorry, but it's true!
What's the one thing that you still have on your bucket list to do before the year is out?
I would love to take a big family vacation. We haven't done that since before my youngest was born. But that's not my "one thing".
I would love to take a vacation, just me and the husband. It doesn't matter if it's overnight or a long weekend, but we need it. When a wedding is thrown together when you're 8 months pregnant, a honeymoon isn't really included.
Want to answer these questions yourself? Make a post and link up with Ian or his co-host of the week, Brittany.

oh girl i completely understand about the no honeymoon thing.. zach and I have yet to go on a vacation by ourselves and that was almost 4 years ago!!
I so want that trip away with my husband, too. One of these days...
Number 4 I hadn't thought about but you are right it's annoying. No reply really makes me cringe.
I hope you and hubby can take that honeymoon soon. It's indeed important.
Have a terrific day. :)
Monday Minute
I still haven't found a blog with music on it?
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