As soon as her feet hit the ground, she is off running.
She wakes up her son and helps him get dressed with one hand while she uses her other hand to get herself dressed. Her husband has the car running. Her daughter needs to brush her hair and find her shoes.
Two hours in the car fighting traffic while she takes one to work and two to school before she can return home.
5 minutes is all she needs. But she knows there aren't 5 minutes to spare. Laundry has piled up, crumbs cover the floor, toys need put away.
She must find something to make for dinner. A PTA meeting is calling her name. The biggest fundraiser of the year is mere days away and she needs to help plan.
5 more minutes is all she needs, but she knows there aren't 5 minutes to spare. Her children are walking out of the doors of the school.
Two more hours are spent in the car before they can all return home to eat dinner. She needs to help her kids with their homework, make their bed snacks, and help them pick out their outfits for the morning.
5 more minutes is all she needs. But she knows there aren't 5 minutes to spare.
Stories must be read, tiny bodies need covered. Hugs and kisses to all.
She steps into the bathroom and closes the door. 5 minutes is all she needs.
Her clothes now lay in a pile by the door. The curtain has been drawn and the water on. She steps in and takes a deep breath. The steam from the water slowly fills the bathroom. The water hits her head. She takes another deep breath. She can feel life returning to her tired body.
The water drips from her hair and down her back. The steam consumes her, yet she feels free. The running, the yelling, the stress trickle to her feet with the water. Slowly circling down the drain, the water has taken it away.
Water gives life.
It also takes it away.

Wish all I needed was five more minutes ;) I keep thinking 2 more hours.
Ahhhhh... that was a typical day for most moms! Here from SITS, your comment was above mine and I wanted to say hello! Have a great weekend!
that was just so good. I felt the frantic, the chaos, and then those 5 minutes just standing under that water.
Great job!
I love your spin on water taking life away. That was awesome!!
Great story, and probably something we all think EVERY SINGLE morning. Very nice.
A hot shower cures so many things. So many. Awesome.
great post. very well-written.
NAILED IT! You've got every mom here wishing for those five minutes.
LOVE your take on this prompt!
You captured that rush-rush perfectly!
You described what every single day is like for me...that rush-rush-rush feeling, with no down time at all.
I love the creative spin you put on this prompt! So your writing!
Really good! I can always use those five more minutes and when I finally get them at the end of the day I feel like I can keep going!
I felt very anxious reading this. You really pulled me into the story.
I love this. Sometimes a nice warm shower, even just for five minutes, is exactly what is needed to wash the stress away!
Oh, for those 5 more minutes. I loved the pacing of this, it was really frantic and the repetition of 5 more minutes added to that. And then the bath, and the pace slowed down. Great job.
Ahhh...five more minutes. I could so relate to this post. It seems like most of my showers happen in the evening and they are heavenly. :)
I really enjoyed this post. I loved the visual you created with your descriptions...the murky water, the squishy mud. Totally brought me into the scene with you.
Visiting from TRDC
Love this!
I definitely need 5 minutes. I wish I could string about 10 in a row.
Water is definitely healing. And those five more minutes too.
Visiting from TRDC
It's funny, I think the same way when I step in the shower. My goal is always to feel differently about everything once I step out.
Great post - something we can all relate to: 5 more minutes! The idea that this poor mom hasn't a chance to shower, and that the water washes away her day - an excellent and creative asnwer to the prompt!
I also high enjoyed the repition of "5 more minutes" - I am a sucker for structure!
I've unfortunately had more than my share of days like that! A shower just makes it all better!
I feel sorry for my husband though, because I need seven minutes to be able to add shaving my legs to the relaxation. A rarity ;)
This is GREAT!!!
5 Minutes really can make all the difference sometimes!
This reminds me of how Maddie always says, "15 minutes!"
I'm sorry I missed this post on Friday! Your approach is flawless, I love how you compiled the one consistent line. I can relate in many ways. So well done!
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