This especially came in handy last week. Our internet has been, to put it nicely, shitty.
Blogs, Facebook, and Twitter are fun, but not necessities. I love you all, but like you, I do have a life in the real world. I admit it was nice to be unplugged, but I typed out a post Tuesday night that needed linked Wednesday morning. Wednesday is when our internet went out. It took some time to figure out from my phone, but I finally got my Pour Your Heart post linked on Shell's blog.
While I was on Shell's blog from my phone, I realized her blog has a mobile view. I have been trying to figure this out forever, so I finally asked Shell how she did. She sent me a link, but I still couldn't figure it out. I found a similar post on Blogger in Draft, and after reading through the comments, I figured it out.
How to Mobilize Your Blog
These instructions are for Blogger users.
First you should know there are 2 websites you can access your blog from. I didn't realize this and that's why I had problems. and
You want to go to and log-in from there. You have the option to use this as your default dashboard, but it's not necessary.
In order to activate mobile templates, simply go to Dashboard > Settings > Email & Mobile tab, enable the mobile template option and then save settings.
Here is a preview of what your mobile template will look like.

You will see snippets of your most recent posts. Tapping the arrow next to the post will redirect you to the entire post, where you can finish reading and comment. Really puts the pressure on to make sure your first few sentences really draw your readers in, doesn't it?
I think I figure this out last week, but I haven't tested it out one little bit last week.
Until I saw Shell's blog in mobile view, I didn't know you could do that with Blogger blogs. That's so cool.
I tried forever to figure this out and then randomly clicked on the Blogger in Draft link and BOOM! It worked! It's so much easier to read blogger blogs on my phone this way/
I'm glad it worked for you! :)
Awesome tip, thank you!
I just figured this out too, except on WordPress. But I still like to read blogs from home better because I have a huge monitor. ;)
i love blogs that have their mobile view turned on.
Very cool! Thanks for the tip.
Cyndy from Fun in Dysfunctional sent me over here and I'm glad she did! I'm now optimized for mobile! Cool! Thanks so much :)
Cyndy sent me over to figure this out, too. Thanks so much for the info! Your rock!
i wicked love this. and tried to do this. but it didn't stick. i'm a loser!
I'm gonna check this out. I do almost everything with my bb. I blog by email but would love to be able to schedule post.
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