Prompt #1- 22 things you HAVE done
1. I have traveled to a few cities in France and Italy.
2. I have sang karaoke. Love shack, baby!
3. I have been hit by a car while walking. It was minor and actually quite funny.
4. I have been to NYC twice, but saw nothing more than the inside of the airports.
5. I have given birth twice without the help of any medication. Not by choice!
6. I have been on both ends of the adoption process.
7. I learned the hard way that 1 tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila, floor is true.
8. I am a big sports fan, but have yet to be inside one of the three new stadiums/arenas in this city.
9. I have experienced the loss of a parent.
10. I have taken my kids out of school not once, but twice for a parade.
11. I have run from the cops through corn fields and cows.
12. I have taught myself to crochet.
13. I got lost numerous times because I chose to listen to the bitch in my phone, ie GPS.
14. I let my kids cry it out.
15. I used a pacifier when I swore I would never bring one into this house.
16. I have experimented with drugs.
17. I have stood in the middle of nowhere to gaze at the stars. Completely unrelated to #16!
18. I have stayed up all night to see the sun rise.
19. I have watched scary shows like Ghost Adventures with my 6 year old.
20. I signed up to be a Girl Scout leader, something I swore I would never do.
21. I have walked with friends to raise money for cancer.
22. I have finished this list.

I unfortunately learned number 7 the hard way too!
LOL at #22!
So you taught yourself to crochet? What resources did you use? I'm thinking that I might want to try, though after last night's fiasco with my craft, Jdaddy said I should just stick to blogging and reading as hobbies.
I love this! Especially #11, and 16 & 17! haha
And #7? Totally feel your pain.
Running away from the cops and the getting hit by a car- those are blog post ideas, girl!
Interesting list! I would LOVE to travel to France and Italy. Though I would not like to give birth without an epidural. I've also been hit by a car. :)
Done # 7 too and the worm!
Did the tequila and the running from the cops happen to occur on the same day? ;)
Awesome list Jules!! You've done alot. I love Blueviolets question!!
You have done a lot!!
I too have run from the cops through corn and cows.
i love your list, it's very random and says a lot about you too!
Number 14 is true for me as well, but I know a lot of moms disagree with this. I enjoyed learning more about you.
Love them all, but girl scouts leader? God speed good woman.
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