Everyone wants it
Everyone needs it
Some don't get enough
Some can't get enough
Slow and sweet
Like eating a popsicle
one lick at a time
Hot and heavy
Like a rich chocolate mocha
with whipped cream on top
Two people in love
Or strangers in a bar
Sometimes for a purpose
Sometimes just for fun
From your head to your toes
You can feel it
Everyone wants
Everyone needs
The pleasure that comes with it
Everyone needs it
Some don't get enough
Some can't get enough
Slow and sweet
Like eating a popsicle
one lick at a time
Hot and heavy
Like a rich chocolate mocha
with whipped cream on top
Two people in love
Or strangers in a bar
Sometimes for a purpose
Sometimes just for fun
From your head to your toes
You can feel it
Everyone wants
Everyone needs
The pleasure that comes with it

Red Dress Club prompt ~ Let's talk about sex, baby.
Without actually writing about the act.
I don't know if I accomplished that, so please be kind with concrit.
But I do know I am in the mood for something like a dark chocolate mocha ;)

I didn't actually get sex until you said it, but then went I went back and read it, it made a lot of sense!
Hot, girl!
clever way to do the prompt. I really love this.
Great job!
I got this one right away!
I loved the sensory descriptions, for example,"slow and sweet, like eating a popsicle one lick at time." And then,"hot and heavy, like rich chocolate mocha.." Wow. Those are yummy, sexy lines:~)
Well done and fits the prompt perfectly!
I think you were spot on with the prompt! And what I loved most---was that you did it totally differently than most of the rest of us. It was effortless.
popsicle, MmMmMmmM!
I think this was a fantastic take on the prompt. I loved the playfulness of it. Also, it made me hungry. Whipped cream. Yum. :)
Love! Seriously love!
As always I adore your phrasing and pace, the uniqueness of your take.
But the wording here? Is perfection!
I knew instantly what you were talking about...LOL!!! And I love the creative and descriptive way you did this prompt!
dark chocolate mocha, yes!
I loved the hot and heavy, slow and sweet. This sets a mood of slow seduction. So? You did your job. Quite well, I may add.
Really enjoyed it! Good job!
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