I won't lie, there is a ton of junk at this flea market. But if you take the time to look, there is always something you need.
Like an ice scraper for the car. It only cost me a quarter!
Or perhaps 2 skeins of Christmas colored yard that only cost me 2 quarters. I've even started to put one of those skeins to good use...

For only 3 quarters, my daughter found a magic trick book and a skein of yarn she can make something out of. Pink, of course.
The very last quarter I spent was the best quarter I have ever spent.
I bought my boy a guitar. This is no ordinary guitar. This toy is every parent's dream. Why, you ask?
I know. I'm awesome!
That last quarter that was way down in the bottom of my pocket? Best thing ever. My boy is over the moon.

I spent over $7 in quarters, and although I didn't come home with nifty little buys like that...I couldn't be much happier.
Oh my gosh, I would pay extra for a guitar that doesn't make noise.
he's so happy! the best quarter spent!
that is the best guitar EVER!
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