I do believe the first step is to actually admit that you have a problem. And I do.
I was doing so well. Then the time came for the bake sale.
Damn it all to hell!
The Girl Scouts hold a bake sale for election day. Since I
As if sitting there doing everything but poking my out with a spoon wasn't bad enough, I was surrounded by a bunch of 8 year old girls! Do you know what happens when one is surrounded by a gaggle of girls? It's not pretty. Nor is it quiet!
Enough bitching and back to my addiction.
I think it's time for me to come clean.
I am an addict.
My vice...
I think it's time for me to come clean.
I am an addict.
My vice...
Peanut butter crackers, Reese's, Giardelli peanut butter filled squares (thank you, MIL!), PB&J, peanut butter and goldfish crackers...
I could go on and on, but I'll spare you. Truth be told, this is a serious problem. I need an intervention people!
Not only did I just take the midgets trick-or treating. And holy shit, did we get a ton of junk! But I had to sit at a table surrounded by baked goods. Some of which had peanut butter as an ingredient!
If anyone knows the number to Peanut Butter Anonymous, please send it my way! But could you do me a favor and wait until Monday? Mother Nature, aka Queen Bitch, has decided to throw that nasty 4 letter "s" word into the forecast this coming weekend. And I don't mean shit!
At least I hope not. If shit falls from the sky, I think it's safe to say we're all screwed!

there are much worse things
You and Jdaddy would get along. He loves PB!! In fact, when we go to Dairy Queen, he orders a peanut butter shake with extra PB!
I love pb! And tried to claim all the pb candy from my boys' trick-or-treat buckets. Dh said I had to share, though. With him. Not the kids.
I really hope it doesn't snow!!!
Peanut butter is so comforting! Is that super wierd? Hopefully not, since you are in need of an intervention, maybe you think so too. I'm no addict, but it is good! Late night snack I'm not craving thanks to you. PB toast and a glass of milk...mmmm...I wouldn't be able to sit at the gils scout table without eating all of the cookies(no matter if they PB or not!).
Meant to say-NOW craving! LOL
i want a freakin PB&J now. thanks for that.
Oh man, I love peanut butter too! Let me know if you find that #.
I hate when I have a whole blog post written in my head but when I sit down it has suddenly disappeared. Hate that!!
As for Peanut Butter - never had a sandwich with it. Crazy I know. However I LUV Reeses Peanut Butter Cups!!
Interesting information about intervention
I love me some peanut butter. (Almost) everything tastes better with peanut butter!
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