Along with raising our children to the best of our abilities, part of motherhood is also supporting our fellow moms. When another mom is struggling, we rally together to offer our support. When another mom is bragging about her child's latest accomplishment, we join in her celebration.
What motherhood is not is a competition.
Earlier this week, my son, who is 6, made dinner. And I'm not talking peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I'm talking this...
Beef Stroganoff
Aside from cutting up and cooking the meat and onions, he cooked the rest of the meal. And it was delicious!
Of course I had to share. I posted to Facebook and I posted to Twitter. I expected one of two things - congratulations or nothing at all. What I did not expect was a woman warning me about a cooking disaster her daughter had. This is not the first time this woman has turned my proud moment into a disastrous moment about her daughter.
I brag about my children because I am proud of what they do. I do not need my joy crushed with warnings of what could happen. If you want to share a similar story with me about your child, by all means, please do so. I would honestly love to hear it. But your child is no better than mine. And mine are no better than yours.
I wish everyone would stop and think before they speak, tweet, or comment. It's about supporting, not competing.

Visit Shell for more PYHO links and come back on Friday if you want the recipe for this delicious stroganoff!